Belvedere garden

Tsuen Wan

Belvedere garden is a traditional old housing estate, and we aimed to inject new life into the unit. We designed a cozy nest for a young couple, which is not an easy feat in Hong Kong’s high-priced real estate market. Every inch of space is precious, so finding the right balance between storage and living space was crucial.

We rearranged the layout and combined the original 2-bedroom and 1-living room unit into a 1-bedroom and 1-living room unit by demolishing walls and slightly relocating the bathroom door to increase the overall sense of space. We also added a storage nook to the dining area to increase storage space while providing a seating area. In terms of colors and visuals, we incorporated the client’s preference for a light classical style and used modern light fixtures and furniture to create a tasteful living atmosphere. In the bathroom, we used marble-patterned tiles on the walls and floors, paired with light wood-colored cabinets, to enhance the sense of space in a small area.

In the kitchen, we used woodgrain laminated panels and floral tiles to add a touch of freshness to the ordinary kitchen. The client preferred white and Nordic styles, so warm gray and light wood-colored materials were used to prevent the unit from appearing too gloomy. Using consistent materials throughout the house also helps to increase the sense of space. We also sourced hardware accessories from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom to add a Western touch to the unit.

麗城花園是傳統的舊屋苑, 我們希望把單位活化注入新生命, 而今次為一對年輕夫婦設計一間屬於他們的安樂窩, 香港寸金尺土, 擁有自己的家實屬不易, 每尺寸都是很矜貴, 如何在收納和生活空間取得適當平衡是我們要做好的事。

今次我們把佈局重新分佈, 將原來的2房1廳合併成1房1廳, 把原有的牆身拆除, 並把原先的廁所門作少許改位, 令整個單位的空間感增大; 而有飯廳位置, 我們加置一個卡位, 既可坐之餘還可增加收納空間。 在用色和視覺方面, 我們今次帶入戶主喜愛的輕古典風格, 並選用一些富現代感燈飾和傢俱, 營造出一種有品味的生活態度。在浴室位置, 我們用上了雲石紋的磁磚在牆身和地板, 配上淺木色的地櫃, 把細少的浴室空間感增大。

在浴室位置, 我們用上了雲石紋的磁磚在牆身和地板, 配上淺木色的地櫃, 把細少的浴室空間感增大。而廚房主要用上木紋膠板飾面, 配上花磚, 在平凡的廚房中帶點新意思。

屋主偏愛白色和北歐風格, 在物料方面採用的都是一些暖灰色 和淺木色的物料, 令到單位不會過於灰暗, 而全屋統一的物料也可令空間感增大; 同時五金配件我們都為客人從美國英國等國家採購, 希望把單位更添西方色彩。


位置: 荃灣
Location: Tsuen Wan

呎數: 480尺
Size: 480 sq ft

單位類別: 1 房 2 廳
Flat Type: 1 Bedrooms

Year : 2017